Safety is the number one concern for victims of domestic violence and their family members, friends, and neighbours. It is very important that you assess your personal safety and the safety of your loved ones, and that you understand what factors may increase the risk of a violent incident. If you are unsure about whether or not you are experiencing domestic violence, please visit ourDomestic Violence section to learn more.
Remember that no strategy is a guarantee to your safety, but may make you feel safe or be safer. If a strategy feels like it will increase your risk – no matter what anybody else might say – don’t follow through with it! You are the best one to assess your own situation and what feels safe.
Note that the information below is a condensed version of Lanark County Interval House’s 2008 Planning Your Safety booklet. You can access a copy of this booklet by contacting LCIH at 1-800-267-7946.