Keep in mind that violent incidents occur far more frequently around the time of separation. Keeping yourself safe when you are leaving is very important. Keep the following precautions in mind:
- Don’t tell the abuser that you are considering leaving or where you are going
- Contact a shelter about creating an individual safety plan for leaving
- Hide extra keys, money, medication in safe place that is not your home
- Consider taking with you:
- Personal identification – yours and your children’s (passport, birth certificate, Driver’s License, SIN card, health card, immigration papers, work permits)
- Medication
- Cheque book, credit cards, ATM cards
- Keys
- Copies of all court orders (ex. restraining orders, peace bonds, custody and access agreement etc.)
- Lease/rental agreements
- Small valuable objects like jewelry and other small sentimental items
- Personal laptop and flash drives, important disks etc.
- Address book or contact info
- Copies of your veterinarian bills and animal licenses
- Picture of the abuser and evidence of abuse (ex. a journal)