What Is Sexual Violence?

Sexual violence generally refers to the categories of Sexual Assault (forced sexual activity without consent) and Child Sexual Abuse (when children under 16 are used for sexual purposes).  These categories are explained in detail below:1


Unless, otherwise noted, the content below has been adapted from the following resources:www.sadvtreatmentcentres.cawww.victiminfo.ca, and www.springtideresources.org.

2 Johnson, H., Measuring Violence Against Women–Statistical Trends 2006.  Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2006.

3 Vallaincourt, Roxan.  Gender Differences in Police-Reported Violent Crime in Canada, 2008.  Minister of Industry, 2010.

4  Ibid.

5  Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2005.

6 Gender Differences.

Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile.  Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2009.

8  Ibid.

9 Ibid.

10 The above steps have been adapted from the Little Warriors steps to prevention.  Little Warriors is a Canadian charity focused on educating adults on how to help prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.

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